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Welcome to a new vision of faculty success and support.

Whether you’re looking for academic career coaching or editing for yourself or for substantive resources to back up your school’s faculty diversity initiatives, we’re here to make it a team effort.

We created the Academic Writers Studio because we believe that the people academia most needs are often the people who have to fight the hardest to produce the scholarship required for tenure and promotion.

Faculty from underrepresented groups do a lot of the heaviest lifting when it comes to university service, clinical work, teaching, and mentoring. Getting research through the pipeline from idea to publication, and doing it repeatedly over the course of a career, is a tough business, not for the faint of heart—and that’s a fact that bears repeating, because it’s one that people deeply immersed in academic culture lose sight of every day. Research productivity often comes even harder, and at greater personal expense, for faculty who are already experiencing isolation, marginalization, invisibility, imposter syndrome, and/or garden-variety discrimination.

Writing takes time, space, confidence, feedback, advice, inspiration, and determination. That’s where we come in.

Academic Writers Studio is the only nonprofit providing results-oriented, sustained academic support for scholars from underrepresented groups. Our aim is to contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion across academia by, to put it in the simplest terms, helping people get promoted. To put it in slightly less simple terms, we want to support those who have historically been marginalized in academia—including faculty of color, first-generation faculty, women, and LGBTQ+ faculty—in their efforts to get onto the academic ladder and stay there, through achieving tenure and promotion to associate professor and then full professor. (Or endowed chair. Just sayin.)

How do we make it happen?

Our flagship offering is the Studio Scholars program, which provides a full year of peer and pro support; on-call editing, coaching, and consulting by staff and mentors; access to a community of other researchers; and other resources and programming.

Studio Scholars get allies, advocates, and services that are fully customized to their individual needs, responsive to changing circumstances, engaged directly with their research and writing, and AFFORDABLE.

Find out more about the Studio Scholars program here.

We also offer à la carte editing, coaching, and other services. Contact us for more info.

ACADEMIC WRITERS STUDIO is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit whose mission is to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education by expanding access to academic editing, coaching, and other forms of support for scholars. We want to help you become more engaged in your scholarship and satisfied with what you do.

publish + flourish

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